
Summer with flavor: how to drink beer without harming your health in hot weather

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Cold beer is a must on the beach, just like boiled corn or churchkhela. And in the city, when thermometers exceed 30 degrees, many people hurry to quench their thirst with a glass of beer. But doctors are sure: uncontrolled use of alcoholic beverages in the heat can negatively affect the human body. We tell you how to drink beer correctly, so that the output was only pleasure, not health problems.

A few simple rules

The main problem that can provoke alcohol in the heat is that the processes occurring in the nervous system are slowed down, and this leads to the fact that a person is not able to adequately assess his condition. To put it simply, can ignore a bad feeling and get overheated or sunstroke. In addition, alcohol can lead to additional dehydration, which is especially dangerous in hot weather.

How to avoid it:

It is recommended to consume clean water in parallel with beer. For 0.5 liters of beer, about 0.75 liters of water should be consumed;
— it is advisable to eat a heavy meal before drinking beer. Ideally, if it will be food rich in proteins — it allows ethanol to be absorbed more slowly, and intoxication will come not so quickly;
— it is better to use beer with minimal strength, and varieties with a high number of degrees should be left for the cold season;
— it is desirable to snack on beer with light dishes — for example, cheeses, salads. Salty snacks are also excellent — salt helps to prevent dehydration of the organism;
— it is advisable to limit yourself to one or two glasses.


Some categories of people are better to completely refuse to drink beer in the heat — even if all recommendations are followed, the risk is too high. In this group:

— elderly people;
— people with excessive body weight;
— those suffering from endocrine diseases;
— people with pathologies of the respiratory system;
— those who are prone to thrombosis due to high blood density.

For these categories of citizens, the heat itself is a dangerous phenomenon, and when combined with alcohol, it can cause irreparable damage to the body. Therefore, the best solution is to wait until the weather cools down, and then enjoy your favorite drinks.

You can try delicious beer in Moscow in the network of Belgian brasseries Lambic. In summer our beer restaurants have open verandas where you can relax after a long walk or a hard working day. And we also have delicious dishes on the menu, a pleasant atmosphere and quality service — the only thing missing is you!

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Gluten-free beer: what kind it is and how it differs from gluten-containing beer

Gluten-free beer: what kind it is and how it differs from gluten-containing beer

Gluten intolerance affects about 1% of the world’s population. Once in the GI tract, gluten, which is found in cereal plants, causes inflammation and leads to stomach upset. Sometimes intolerance becomes a disease when the villi of the small intestine begin to break down. This disease is called celiac disease. Until a couple of decades ago, people with celiac disease had to simply exclude gluten-containing foods from their diet, making it much more sparse than for normal people. Today, the problem is almost solved: manufacturers produce gluten-free pasta, breads and pastries, and many restaurants have gluten free items. Gluten-free beer: what kind of beer is it? Since beer is brewed on the basis of malt, which is sprouted grains, it contains a significant amount of gluten. But this does not mean that those who suffer from intolerance will have to give up their favorite drink — gluten-free beer has also been invented long ago. It is divided into two groups: low gluten and gluten free. Beverages from the first group can be consumed in moderate quantities by people with gluten intolerance, and those who suffer from celiac disease are recommended only gluten free beer. A completely gluten-free beer is one that contains less than 20 milligrams of gluten per kilogram (or 20 parts per million). Secrets of production Two technologies are used to make gluten-free beer: — beer is brewed on the basis of malt from gluten-free cereals: rice, corn, buckwheat, and gluten-containing grains are removed from it completely;— gluten is removed from the finished beer with the help of a special enzyme that breaks down the protein. If only part of the protein is removed, the beer is labeled as low gluten. In the first case, the drink may have a slightly different taste than the usual foam, while in the second case, all the characteristics of beer are preserved, including taste, color and foaming. Therefore, gluten-free beer made in this way is no different from regular beer. To try delicious gluten-free beer, come to the beer restaurants of the Lambic chain. For example, we have Baladin Nazionale Gluten Free — 100% gluten-free beer originating from Italy, which has an exquisite taste and aroma. We look forward to your tasting!

19 September 2024

Porter beer: from the working class to the aristocrats

Porter beer: from the working class to the aristocrats

If you ask beer connoisseurs what a porter is now, many will answer: a noble dark beer whose flavor is dominated by notes of chocolate, fruit, coffee beans, biscuit and toast. But all these flavors did not appear at once, and far from always the variety was considered refined. How porter came to be and when it acquired a recognizable flavor profile — we’ll tell you in this article. Back in the past The first mention of porter dates back to the early 18th century. It went down in history as the first style to be aged — brewers used to put their products on the counter immediately after production. Porter got its name from the English porter — loader. The point is that the new style became especially popular among the working class and port movers because of its high caloric content. The first London Porters were much stronger than modern ones — about 6.6%. At first they were made exclusively from brown malt, then they switched to a mix of light and black malt — 95 and 5 percent respectively. Until now, this recipe is not considered strict, but many producers use it. Sometimes caramel, chocolate, brown and other varieties of malt are added instead of black malt, but not roasted, as it adds undesirable notes to the drink. Hops and yeast are usually English, but in other countries producers often change them to local ones. At the end of the 18th century, porter became popular in Russia. In our country it was considered the drink of aristocrats. After World War II the drink was practically stopped being produced, and its triumphant revival took place in 1978 thanks to the efforts of the Penrhos craft brewery, which was later joined by other producers. Types of Porter There are several official types of porter: — brown — the weakest, with a strength of about 4.5%;— strong — existed until 2015, now conditionally divided into English with a strength of 4 to 5.4% with a pronounced malt character and American (bitter, dry, strength up to 6.5%);— «pre-dry» — reminiscent of American, but milder, strength up to 6%;— Baltic — the strongest porter up to 9.5%, with pronounced fruity tones. How to drink? Porter is recommended to be consumed chilled to 8-12 degrees. It goes well with mature cheeses, various meat dishes, including steak, chocolate desserts. You can try a quality porter in any of Lambic beer restaurants. Our list includes hundreds of varieties from all over the world, as well as many delicious dishes, pleasant atmosphere and excellent service. Come — we will find something to surprise you!

09 August 2024