620.00 ₽
500 ml
<p>Bavarian lager with a rich, subtle flavor. The producer is the private brewery Zötler, which is more than 570 years old. The company is considered to be one of the oldest in the world and ranks 10th in the rating of family businesses with a long history. For the production of lager, a unique slow brewing technology is used, and it is brewed from selected malt and hops, as well as fresh spring water, which is extracted directly from the mountains adjacent to the brewery. The label of Zotler Bayrish Hel features the Bavarian heraldic symbol, the lion. </p> <p><strong>Flavor Features</strong></p> <p>The beer has a rich taste, which is clearly dominated by malt tones, as well as a slightly sweet malt aroma. The color is light golden, with a stable white foam cap and small bubbles. </p> <p><strong>Gastronomic combinations</strong></p> <p>It is recommended to serve Zotler Bayerisch Hell with fried chicken, snacks, various cheeses and appetizers. It will also make a good pair with salads. </p>